A Manual For Writing A Thesis Outline: 5 Main Rules

In any research paper, the thesis plays a very important role. In fact a well written thesis would elevate your paper from a simple retelling of said facts to a nicely done piece of work that has been accomplished after a thorough research. It is more than just a premise to the entire research paper. It not only highlights the key points that are to be discussed later on in the paper but also provides the reader with an outline of the methods that have been adopted for gathering information and analyzing them.

Thesis needs to be very specific and highly focused. Its main aim is to make the readers aware of what is discussed in the main research paper. Thus it should be created keeping in mind all the necessary points. It necessarily asserts the conclusion that you have reached through your research by analyzing evidences. In fact it is such an aspect of a research paper which needs to be technically correct. For example it should not use any vague language and must be definite in its approach.

5 main rules

A thesis cannot be complete unless you are done with all your research work and the conclusion has been reached. Thus it is ideally prepared at the end but is used as a premise to the research paper. There are 5 main rules that should be followed in order to be technically correct. These are,

  1. While writing a thesis you must remember that the main purpose of it is to make the reader aware about the topic you are researching on and your own personal opinion on it.
  2. It must have all the important questions that you will be focusing on in your paper. It should highlight all the important points that will be later on elaborated in the body of the paper or the essay.
  3. It generally would appear at the end of the introduction.
  4. It should not be too explanatory and elaborate. The language need to be crisp and terse. Also you must not divulge everything in there as well. Keep it succinct and intriguing so that it gets the attention of the reader and develops interest.
  5. Also it is important that you display a bit of your argumentative abilities in the thesis itself so as to convince the reader of your own conclusion.