How To Defend Your Doctoral Thesis On High Technologies

The doctorate is the epitome of a scientific study, and the defense ceremony can make or break a student’s academic stand. The defense assessment ceremony is based on a dissertation where the technological design or research is described. There are some basic requirements one needs to consider when preparing to defend their dissertation:

Announcing the defense

You will be expected to make an announcement to the graduate department of your appointment of the thesis defense. Your paper should be ready or nearly complete for defense at this time.

Have thorough knowledge of your research

During the defense, you will present your research in front of your faculty committee, advisor, and other members. Expect some questions to be asked after your presentation. You will need to be fully armed with the skill and knowledge necessary to confidently answer these questions.

Practice makes perfect

Take any opportunity you get to hold discussions on your thesis with people. Find people to sit through as you practice your defense. Let your audience ask questions the committee will most likely ask as this will help you in identifying the portions you need to work on. Ask your advisor to sit down with you for a strategy session. Pay attention to the reactions, comments or advice that your advisor gives you

Make a clear presentation

Make sure the fundamentals for your thesis is clearly definedwhile defending it. First, state the research question. Give a comprehensive description of the significance of your topic as well as details on how you conducted your research, including any measurement methods you have used. The major findings should be clear, as well as how it makes a contribution to your field’s body of knowledge. Finally, make a logical conclusion and viable recommendations based on your research

Listen keenly to the questions posed by the panel

You will need to be focused and listen keenly to the questions the panel poses to you. Take a minute or so before giving any answer; the panel is not looking for fast responses rather, for solid ones. Expect to address the aspects of your paper that are most controversial. Don't fake answers or make any promises. Defending your paper needs for you to be political to some extent and when you are not sure of the answer reply that you will consider the question in the future.

Dress for the occasion

You want to put across to your advisor and committee on your capabilities of producing in-depth, more broad-ranging scholarly writing. To achieve this, you will need to look the part, and hence you will need to wear comfortable and professional attire that is not flashy in any way.