Beginners' Guide To Creating An Introduction For A Dissertation Proposal

This is a beginners’ guide to creating an introduction for a dissertation proposal.

Guides can be found on the web, but here tips and helpful hints are suggested on how to make Internet resources useful for the purpose of putting together the introduction for the paper. Also, best practice methods are suggested because, after all, the dissertation proposal (which includes the introduction) must be of a high standard in terms of academic writing and conventions.

When using the internet to search for a beginners’ guide – this can be on any topic – always refine your search. In this case, you will be using the annotated heading of this article. When reaching the first page after making your search, you may find that what you were looking for was not entirely successful. What happens next is also simple. Break down the above heading. Begin with the first part of the heading – creating an introduction. When you have collected enough material on how to write a proper introduction to an academic paper you can then proceed to the dissertation proposal itself.

Note that the introduction must clearly state what you propose to do in your dissertation. The first sentence will say what that proposal is. The next two or three, short sentences will briefly outline that proposal. Ideally, the dissertation introduction will be longer, but not more than two pages and in line with set academic rules. After detailing the introduction coherently, space is provided for a more expansive but no less detailed explanation. While this introduction can be typed on one or two A4 sized pages, use the software program’s line spacing, paragraph spacing and page width tools to create a clear, functional document which is easy to read and leaving space for your lecturer to make additional remarks, if any.

To get a clear impression on how effective essay introductions or academic papers are outlined, you can also source online peer reviews that are directly related to your work. But the best way to create an introduction to your dissertation paper is to practice through own writing. In the early stages of planning (not yet drafting) you can begin with a process of free writing during which you make a note of your earliest thoughts on what you propose to discuss. Thereafter you can proceed with a bulleted list of main points for the introduction.

While you are always free to use the internet at your own discretion, do not rely on it entirely. Try to practice your own writing and use library reference guides to coach you.
